When to leave home is a big decision and one which should not be taken quickly. Although leaving home will give you more freedom, it also means you will have responsibilities that you probably haven’t dealt with before, including:
- paying rent and dealing with a landlord or housemates
- choosing utility companies and paying the bills
- maintaining and cleaning your accommodation
- shopping and cooking for yourself
- looking after your health, wellbeing and security.
The best way to leave home is after careful thought and planning. Leaving your parental or guardians’ home at a very young age, especially if you have nowhere to go, should the last option that you should consider. This could lead to homelessness.
If you’re having problems at home
There is help and support available. Try to find someone you trust to talk to, such as friends, extended family (uncles and aunts) or a teacher at your school or college.
If the situation becomes worse, see if there is a safe place you can stay at for a night or two to let everyone cool down. Remember, no matter how bad things may seem, if you leave home without preparation, you may find yourself in a worse situation. This may also cause difficulties to stay in education.
If you feel unsafe at home
If you are living in fear because someone is being violent or abusive towards you, you must seek help immediately. There are a number of agencies who can assist you, including perhaps finding you a safe place to go.
- Childline, free 24-hour support helpline for children and young people. Phone: 0800 1111
- Women’s Aid, a free 24-hour helpline for victims of domestic abuse. Phone: 0808 2000 247
- Shelter, call Shelter’s emergency helpline if you have nowhere to stay tonight, or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home. Free helpline for urgent advice is available, Monday to Friday from 8am until 6pm on 0808 800 4444
- Hideout, information on domestic abuse against young people.
Other support available
There are many agencies which support young people with a range of issues including housing, career and jobs, finances, drug and alcohol, personal health and safety, and much more.
- Jobcentreplus, advice and information about finding a job.
- The Foyer Federation, support for young homeless young people.
- Centrepoint, housing for homeless young people.
- Talk to Frank, advice and information on drugs and their effects.
- Victim Support, advice and support for crime victims.
- Shelter, advice and support relating to housing and homelessness.
Contact us
Contact our housing options team.
Phone: 01483 743 834
Email: housingoptions@woking.gov.uk