We are responsible for managing the quality of our town centre and its streets. We look after:
- highway inspections
- patching, repairs
- gully cleaning and drainage repairs
- road markings
- signs, posts, fingerposts
- refuges, guardrails
- general street furniture
- accidents and emergencies
- street cleansing
- winter maintenance (footways only)
- reconstruction or resurfacing of roads
- reconstruction or resurfacing footways
- licences and policies towards A-boards, tables and chairs, skips, scaffolding and filming
- street works coordination
- preparation and making of temporary traffic orders (section 14(1) 1984 Act) and notices (section 14(2) 1984 Act)
- promotion of permanent traffic regulation orders (section 1 1984 Act).
To report a problem within the town centre boundary
Phone: 01483 755 855
Email: town.centre@woking.gov.uk
View a map which shows the town centre boundary
To report a highways problem elsewhere across the borough
For any additional highways related enquiries, or to report an issue that falls outside of the town centre, please contact Surrey County Council’s highways service.
Public realm usage
As owners and managers of a number of public spaces in Woking town centre, it is important to us that any activities taking place in these spaces enhance the image of Woking town centre as a quality destination in which to spend time, and do not compromise the safety or wellbeing of other users.