Key concession card

Who can apply?

The key concession card is only applicable to those who live in Woking Borough (pay their Council Tax to Woking Borough Council) and are in receipt of any of the following means tested benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (with a household income of £16,480 or less)
  • Working Tax Credit (with a household income of £16,480 or less)
  • Child Tax Credit (with a household income of £16,480 or less)
  • Job Seekers allowance (income based)
  • Pensions Credit for seniors (guaranteed and savings)
  • Employment Support Allowance (income based). If you are in receipt of ESA, but have not received an award letter, you can request it by contacting the DWP, Jobcentre Plus on 0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545.

If you are in receipt of the above benefits, your partner and children living at the same address will also qualify. When your child reaches 17 years old they will no longer qualify as a dependent, but can then apply for a key card in their own right, if they meet the eligibility criteria.

How to apply

Apply in person only, to:

Woking Leisure Centre, Woking Sportsbox, Eastwood Leisure Centre and Pool in the Park.

Please note: it may not always be possible to assess your application immediately - applications can take up to one week to process.

What do I need to bring?

The annual fee of £6.60.

Anyone currently in receipt of the above benefits must bring their award letter as proof of eligibility, as well as proof of residency in the borough.

Who should I contact to get the proof I need?

Benefit nameContact details
Income Support/Universal CreditDepartment of Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus
0800 055 6688
Job Seeker Allowance (income based)Department for Works and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus
0800 055 6688
Guaranteed Pensions CreditPensions Direct
Tyneview Park, Whitley Road, Benton, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. NE98 1BA.
0800 991 234
Working Tax CreditHM Revenue and Customs
Tax Credit Office, Preston, PR1 4AT
0845 300 3900
Employment Support AllowanceDepartment of Work and Pensions (DWP), Jobcentre Plus
0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545
Child Tax CreditHM Revenue & Customs
Tax Credit Office, Preston, PR1 4AT
0845 300 3900