Sanway-Byfleet flood alleviation scheme consultation


Friday, 12 March, 2021

The Environment Agency is hosting two virtual events in partnership with Woking Borough Council and Surrey County Council for local residents to find out more and have your say on the Sanway-Byfleet flood alleviation scheme.

The scheme aims to reduce flooding for up to 153 properties in the Sanway-Byfleet area.

The two sessions will be held online enabling as many people as possible to attend on:

  • Saturday 13 March 2021 from 10.30am to 12noon
  • Wednesday 17 March 2021 from 7pm to 8.30pm.

Sign up to one of the sessions

The scheme is being developed by the Environment Agency in partnership with Woking Borough Council, Surrey County Council, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Byfleet Flood Forum, Highways England, Thames Water, and the local community.

In February 2019, public events were held to share a number of options for reducing flooding across Byfleet and Weybridge. Since then, the Environment Agency has been working on developing proposals for the Sanway-Byfleet area in particular.

The agency is currently in the ‘options appraisal’ stage of the scheme and any feedback received will help to modify plans where appropriate before being shared with the wider community.

Sign up to one of the sessions