Play park consultation results now available


Monday, 7 June, 2021

Local residents and families who shared their views on improvements to Loop Road Recreation Ground play area in March, can now view the outcome of the consultation on the new Woking Community Forum civic space.

Play equipment provider KOPMAN developed an exciting proposal featuring inclusive play equipment and activities that would be both exciting and challenging for children of all ages and abilities, including wheelchair users. Features include an inclusive multi-play unit, accessible roundabout, basket and cradle swings, a see-saw and springers.

Cllr Colin Kemp, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Cultural Services, explains the result: “We had an excellent response and feedback received was mainly very positive. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation.

“All of the comments received were reviewed and changes to the design made wherever possible. Where it was not possible to change, such as providing a wheelchair swing, I can assure you that we have recognised the popularity of the suggestion and are investigating a suitable location to accommodate this exciting, specialist play equipment in future play park improvement works within the borough.”

Key findings of the consultation can be viewed on the new online civic space, Woking Community Forum. With the project now ready to proceed, installation will get underway in September.

To view the plans for the play area and read the feedback summary, visit

Contact or call 01483 743888 for further information about the Loop Road play area and other play areas within the borough.