Daily data, provided by Public Health England, is showing a rapid increase of positive Coronavirus cases within Woking Borough, and specifically in the Goldsworth Park, Knaphill and St Johns areas.
At present, Woking and the rest of Surrey, is in Tier 2 High Local COVID Alert Level and will be reviewed by the Government on Wednesday 16 December.
If levels of infection continue to increase in the same way, there is a real risk that Woking Borough could be moved into the Tier 3 very high alert level, meaning tighter restrictions will be implemented before and during the festive period.
Speaking about the rapid rise within the borough, Leader of Woking Borough Council, Cllr Ayesha Azad, said: “The data speaks for itself – it doesn’t take much time for this virus to take hold and start to spread rapidly in the community. That is why we all need to work together to quash the rising rates across Woking Borough and the county.
“While, as a country we are celebrating the start of the national vaccination process last week – rolling this out to everyone will take time. Until then, we all need to be extra cautious and play our part to turn this around urgently.
“Due to the rise in local cases, we now have three mobile testing units available at Goldsworth Recreation Car Park, St Johns Lye Car Park and Woking Park Car Park during December on selected dates. If you’ve got symptoms, even mild symptoms, please book a test via the NHS.
“For those who have unfortunately tested positive, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re potentially infectious for 10 days* after getting COVID-19, even if you do not have any symptoms. Please think about who you might be putting at risk over the festive season.”
(* New self-isolation and quarantine period - reduced from 14 days to 10 days - starting from Monday 14 December 2020.)
Useful links
How to book a COVID-19 test
Tier 2 local alert level restrictions
Government guidance for the Christmas period
How to make a Christmas support bubble
Coronavirus positive cases for Surrey daily dashboard