Service update: From Thursday 21 March 2024, we no longer provide access to the Local Land Charges register. This now held by HM Land Registry.
Requests for a Certificate of Search (LLC1) and Personal Searches will need to be made using their national register. You can access the new digital service on HM Land Registry’s Portal.
We will continue to provide replies to Con29 enquiries. After Friday 8 March, please submit the required fee only when submitting a CON29 enquiry to us. Visit GOV.UK for more information.
Individual questions can be submitted using the CON29R enquiries form. Payment is required in advance by debit or credit card.
CON29R enquiries and fees
Please allow up to ten working days to be answered.
The charges for answers to individual questions on the CON29R question are £5 per sub question eg. 3.7a, 3.9b, etc. The only questions that can be ordered in this way are all parts of 1.1 & 1.2 plus all parts of 3.7 except e, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12 and 3.15.
Read the additional information below regarding the remaining CON29R questions.
How to apply
How to pay
We do not accept search requests without payment. Once you have completed the online form, you will automatically be directed to the payment screen to make your payment by credit or debit card.
Additional information
To complete a CON29R form the following useful links may help.
Question 3.3 Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 has yet to be enacted. Information relating to property SuDS may have been submitted with the relevant planning application which can be viewed on our website.
For new builds, information should be sought from the developer, including clarification on any maintenance responsibilities a property owner may inherit or any maintenance agreements they may be required to fund should any exist through a management company.
Water and sewerage companies will normally include a surface water charge in their bills where roof water from a property connects to a public surface water sewer.
Drainage infrastructure serving a single property within the curtilage of that property will be the responsibility of the home owner to maintain, unless directed otherwise.
Highways, railways and footpath information is available from Surrey County Council. Please contact: Surrey County Council, Highways Information Team, LAB Building, Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford GU4 7BQ.
Phone: 0208 541 8924
Woking Borough Council's Local Plan can be viewed on the National Planning Portal. View our Local Plan.
Information relating to conservation areas can be found on our website.
Woking Borough Council does not hold a contaminated land register as currently there is no land within the borough which has been identified as statutory contaminated land as defined in Section 78A(2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
For information about Radon Gas please contact: Radon Survey, Health Protection Agency, Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0RQ.
Phone: 01235 822622
For information relating to drainage enquiries please contact: Thames Water Property Insight, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW. DX: 151280 Slough 13.
Phone: 0118 925 1504
If you have any questions, please contact our local land charges team.
Phone: 01483 743 035