Street trader licence

Street trading involves selling or offering for sale any article in any street (including all forecourts, roads, footways and other areas next to streets) or open space where the public have access without payment. This includes private property that the public can access without payment.

Make an enquiry first

We have the power to decide whether trading can or cannot occur on our streets. In general, it's our policy to discourage street trading unless it is within well regulated and administered street markets. 

Applications for outside these areas are often refused, so please do not invest in equipment or stock until you have made an enquiry with us first.

Please email us with the following information:

  • nature of your business, for example, food or drink vendor, retailer, entertainment
  • street name and location with map showing precise location 
  • days and times you would like to trade.


We will then be able to provide advice on your application. Street traders without a licence can be prosecuted. The current fine is £5,000.

Additional consent

If you intend trade on any land designated a 'highway' you will also need permission from Surrey County Council. Likewise, you must obtain the permission of the land owner to trade on private land.

All food traders must be registered with our Environmental Health Officers.

Fees and charges

There is a fee for a street trading licence.

See our list of fees and charges for commercial licences and permits

Other activities which require consent

Pedlar's certificate

A pedlar’s certificate and a street trading licence are very different. A pedlar’s certificate allows a person to trade (often selling trinkets, household goods and other handmade objects) on foot. Pedlars are mobile. A street trader has a fixed stall. 

Pedlars certificates are dealt with by Surrey Police.

Promotions permit

If you would like to promote your products or services within the Woking Shopping shopping centres and in specific areas of the town centre, you will need to apply for a promotional trading permit.

Applications are made to Woking Shopping and fees apply.

Find out more about promotions permits