How to report anti-social behaviour

If you are experiencing any form of anti-social behaviour please report this using the form below. Please include as much detail as you can about the incident(s). We will look to respond to you within two working days.

Report anti-social behaviour

Noise nuisance and neighbour disputes

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour in the form of noise nuisance, such as being regularly disturbed by loud music, please phone speak to our environmental health team which can investigate noise nuisance complaints, serve warning letters and, in some cases, prosecute offenders, which can result in a fine and/or removal of the noise making equipment.

If you have had a disagreement with your neighbour, you may be able to agree an amicable solution using the Mediation Surrey CIO service

Phone: 01483 755 855

Read more about noise nuisance and neighbour disputes

Fly tipping, fly posting, graffiti, vandalism or abandoned cars

If you are affected by environmental ASB, such as graffiti, fly-tipping or abandoned cars, you can report this to your local neighbourhood officer or report online.

Report fly tipping or fly posting

Report graffiti or vandalism

Report an abandoned or untaxed vehicle

Phone: 01483 755 855

Other support

We employ an anti-social behaviour officer who can provide advice.

Phone: 01483 755 855


You can also report incidents to Surrey Police by calling 101.