Supporting small business relief

The supporting small business rate relief scheme, which will run from 2023/2024 to 2025/2026, supports ratepayers who lost all or part of their small business rate relief or rural rate relief following the 2023 revaluation.

Read more about the revaluation

If you qualify for this relief, it will be automatically granted. 

Contact us

Contact us if you wish to refuse this relief due to the UK subsidy limits outlined in the Subsidy Control Act 2022.

Contact us online

What you’ll get

Business rate payers losing small business or rural rate relief following the 2023 revaluation will have their increases limited to the greater of either:

  • a cash value of £600 per year, or
  • the matching cap on increases for small properties in the transitional relief scheme

This means for eligible ratepayers not receiving the extended supporting small business rate relief in 2022 to 2023, losing some or all of their small business rate relief, will see the increase in their bill capped at £600 per year during the scheme.

Eligible ratepayers who paid nothing prior to 1 April 2023 and are losing all of their entitlement to relief (that is moving from £6,000 rateable value or less to more than £15,000) would under this scheme be paying £1,800 in year three.